I Don't Want to Reach That Point!

some people said,
every turn you can stay and feel the ups and down,
feel the challange and dare some adventure

you're not always happy,
remembering that!
you're not always being accepted,
you have to realize about that!

different person means thousand views
different culture rank you up a million philosophy,
you're not always love your self,
it's a sad fact, but you'll find this one someday,
you're not always being accepted,
but fine as long as you appreciated yours

time ask you to grow up
the hardest part is leaving one point to another new one
one adventure is done, now go find the new one!
it's wise enough to understand!
but sometime hard to die to face!

you may want to skip some step
but actually nothing best than discovery it!
born, happy as kid, rebel like teenage, adult need maturnity, be girlfriend-wife-parents
sounds tiring? definitely yess!!
but no choice!

your favourite could be feel the greatest rebel in your life
hard to forget and too sweet to remember,
seems like don't want to grow up anymore
more I grow up, more I understand what the pressure about,
more I know outside, more I know true friends are hard to find,
and I don't want to grow up anymore!
I just want to be teenage
I hate the point when I have to be the adult
they ask me to be perfect while nobody's perfect
I don't want to be the mature one, I don't want to be!!
I want to be me, not other
Stop to intervence me, I decide my own road
Stop to deceiving me, I take my own plane!
and if I want to stay home, dont ask me to go!!

that's always be the main problem of mine
I don't want to reach that point
the point when I'm entering the new journey
I'm afraid of being left by other
I'm scare of crowded
It's seems worst outside
and dark within

just let me here..
I want to be teenage once again,
I want to grow up once again
and feel that warm hug,
to taste my last kiss inside,
and watching the sun shine brighter

*anyone can stop or turn back the time??
- Princess Kaurvaki


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