Have a Deal & Move On!! ( 8 Great Tips to Deal with Frustration )

It’s been very long time I never write anything abstract related motivation by myself –but, as you know I always provide some bowls of soup to lift your spirit up from the expert ^_^. Today I had my internet connection suspended, so I can’t do my daily activities such as browsing or updating my blog. Best idea is spending whole of my time to write and think. If you are fans of Princess Kaurvaki, you’ll find that many of my content are about feeling : in love, poetry, excited, miss someone, ups and down, annoying people, frustrated, alone, lonely, regret, etc. one of my favorite poetry is Say Everything Worst about Me, an emotional and touching poetry, which I wrote based on the feeling when I was sooooooo down and getting frustrated.

It’s not about another frustrated feeling, but this time let me provide you some tips to lift your spirit and wake you up from your longgggg frustrated. No one like to be frustrated, right?? So, let me ask, are you ready to leave your frustrated? Make some preparation!!
1.   Leave them all behind!
Forget all annoying thing make you hurt and get frustrated. Open your mind and your heart for positive things come from your problem. If your friend betray you, then leave your friend! Those who betray and hurt their friend would never deserve for any kind of friendship and shouldn’t call as friend! You’ll find another better “true” friend, a person who really called as friend, believe me!!

 If your lover make you broken, it’s a big chance for you to find a better man who really love you purely and will do anything for you. He was made for you and waiting for you in other part of the world. Keep smile, when he comes you will fascinate him and make him doesn’t want to move!

If you had your dreams seems to be broken, believe me it’s just a little stone in a path way to reach your dream. Remember, closer you reach your dream, harder the road you through! No genius reach their dream easily. They feels ups and down, deep frustrated, lonely, alone, leave behind and give up. That’s why Alva Edhison and Einsten inspire million of people!

If people make you frustrated by saying everything you hate or bring you down, then you don’t have nothing to do! We must accept that everyone stand with their own principle and they have their mouth to speak anything they want, even it’s a big lies, hurt other, out of mind and baseless. We can’t control them nor hide! Just listen them, pretend to listen or ignore them –which one make you comfort, someday they will surprising seeing your succeed and how glorious you are!

Once again, Open your mind. Take positive than negative, and you know the world revolves for you. Leave them all behind!
Two reasons people talk behind You:
They're intimidated by you,
 There's nothing good about themselves to talk about
( Unknown via twitter )
2.   Breath in, Breath Out
Calm yourself down! You know everything will be fine no matter happen. If you get stuck, close your eyes for a while and take a breath. Do it several times until you get better.

3.   Fresh Air
Never let your heart feel the emptiness when you’re getting frustrated! Emptiness will make you more feeling down and get frustrated. Take some holiday in new place you never visited before, recognize new people and  take some adventures, such as rafting, jump rope or flying fox . New place, new people and new adventure will help you to be more thankful and bring some sensation to learn that your situation is not that worst. And finally you can smile, cheersss….!

4.   Go Shopping
Go to the public market and spend your time to take a look at beautiful and interesting stuff around. People said that shopping help you reduce your broken feeling and you know,  I think that’s right!! –come on, let prove it! ^_^

5.   Listening to the Music
Music had proved as the important stuff in heal recovery. Music is great thing that will change your mood faster. When you’re feeling low, you should spend time regularly listen light music or any kind of music that contain motivational message inside. My suggest, listen to the Westlife or my favorite song “All American Reject – Move Along”, or “Detail in Fabric – Jason Mraz”. You can have many references that will help you bring your mood back.
Move On

6.   Heal with Food
When I get bad mood, chocolate and ice cream is my favorite stuff based on expert recommendation. In fact, it works very well!!

7.   Motivation Book and Quotes
Motivation book and Motivation quotes never failed!! They work very well in helping and inspiring million of people to wake up and understand there’s nothing to worry about life. My favorite book is Notes from Universe from Mike Dooley and Chicken Soup The Series who always spoil the readers with motivational story and message. If you want to split the time, Princess Kaurvaki also provide you motivation quotes from time to time. You can check it anytime and get some of them, such as Quotes to Courage your spirit and soul, Let’s Pretend! ( Mind also Becomes Reality ), or When You’re LOW & NOWHERE to GO.
“I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life in three words :
It goes on!”
( Unknown via The Notebook )

8.   Love Yourself!
This is the point. What do you get by stay too long with your frustration?? Wasting time and more frustrated, right? So….. go something else to do!! You’re too precious comparing your problem, whatever your problem. You have to learn to love yourself more and more, then you’ll understand that everything can be handle and nothing have to worry –once again, whatever it is. Everyone must face the problem to be more wise and stronger. When you’re get stuck, remember that you’re lovely person and can face anything in your life. Loving your self will bring miracle, you can do anything better and solve your problem. It’s a magic of life!

Have you feel better?? Definitely yes, right? So, now enjoy your life!! Every seconds of your  life is worth a million smile.
Hope my writing heal your problem and add your recommendation. Share this and tell people that they will get better by visiting this site. It’s a lovely site, isn’t it?

*Princess Kaurvaki


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