Review by Lisa Newman for Artillery.
UNTOUCHABLE was an exhibition and performance event curated by Franko B, November / December 2012.

Don't Touch Me There
Franko B's Performance Night at the Flying Dutchman

by Lisa Newman
"Invoking Jonestown" by Nick Kilby, with sound by Llewyn Maire, photo by Lisa Newman
LOVE, LONGING AND PERFORMANCE art are best experienced in their natural habitats of dark venues on the edges of civilization. "UNTOUCHABLE," curated by Italian performance artist Franko B, proved just that in November at The Flying Dutchman pub in Camberwell, London with an evening of performances on the 17th. The event doubled as a fundraiser for the Southwark LGBT Network and a platform for new live and visual art pieces to be exhibited in an informal setting. The familial vibe, the constant presence of Franko's two Jack Russell terriers, and the unabashed evidence of sex club accoutrements throughout the venue—including purple walls and a series of pull points on the ceiling, walls and floor—eemed to invoke an openness in the audience to participate in some of the more intimate performances.
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