Quotes of The Month ( Best Pregnancy Quotes )

How does it feel when you will be a mother for the first time of your life??Is this feel great and unspoken?? Well, that’s what all women felt. When I was teenage, I always thought that to be pregnant is very common since every woman will have it in her life, but experience this by myself make me feel so complete and perfect as woman. It’s a wonderful feeling, unspoken by the words and hard to tell. It is amazing to know that there is a fondues move inside your body and you love him/ her right before he/ she is born in the world.

This month, Princess Kaurvaki will suggest you more about Pregnancy Quotes from day to day. Hereis the collection of best pregnancy quotes from the expert. This pregnancy quotes is fully dedicated for every woman in the world, no matter from wherever you are. I hope you enjoy it. You can send this as the gift to your pregnant friend or may be your beautiful wife.


For far too many, pregnancy and birth is still something that happens to them rather than something they set out consciously and joyfully to do themselves
( Sheila Kitzinger, The Experience of Childbirth )

Giving birth and being born brings us into the essence of creation, where the human spirit is courageous and bold and the body, a miracle of wisdom
( Harriette Hartigan )

Birth takes a woman's deepest fears about herself and show her that she is stronger than they knew
( Anonymous )

Pregnancy is getting company inside one's skin
( Maggie Scarf )

Babies are bits of star-dust blown from the hand of God. 
Lucky the woman who knows the pangs of birth for she has held a star
( Larry Barretto )

We have a secret in our culture, and it's not that birth is painful. 
It's that women are strong
( Laura Stavoe Harm )

There is power that comes to women when they give birth. 
They don't ask for it, it simply invades them.
 Accumulates like clouds on the horizon and passes through, carrying the child with it
( Sheryl Feldman )

Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be.
( Carrie Fisher )

Just as a woman's heart knows how and when to pump, her lungs to inhale, and her hand to pull back from fire, so she knows when and how to give birth
( Virginia DiOrio )

Somewhere on this globe, every ten seconds, there is a woman giving birth to a child.
 She must be found and stopped
( Sam Levenson )

You are pregnant and you are powerful. 
You are bold and you are beautiful. 
Go forward in your boldness, in your beauty and in your connectedness.
 Trust your body to birth and know that the collective power of women worldwide will be with you
( Anonymous )

Giving birth should be your greatest achievement not your greatest fear
( Jane Weideman )

Before you were born I carried you under my heart.
From the moment you arrived in this world until the moment I leave it, I will always carry you in my heart.
( Mandy Harrison )

In achieving the depersonalization of childbirth and at the same time solving the problem of pain, our society may have lost more than it has gained.
 We are left with the physical husk; the transcending significance has been drained away. 
In doing so, we have reached the goal which perhaps is implicit in all highly developed technological cultures, mechanized control of the human body and the complete obliteration of all disturbing sensation
( Sheila Kitzinger, Women as Mothers )

Birth is not only about making babies.
 Birth is about making mothers... strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength
( Barbara Katz Rothman )

Birth is the sudden opening of a window, through which you look out upon a stupendous prospect.  For what has happened?  A miracle! 
You have exchanged nothing for the possibility of everything
( William Macneile Dixon )
pregnancy quotes, best pregnancy quotes, about pregnancy, birth quotes

Pregnancy and birth knit womankind together.
 Help weave a gorgeous thread to add to the fabric.
 Be supportive.
 Be kind. 
Be wise. 
Be open
( Desirre Andrews )

We must understand that childbirth is fundamentally a spiritual, as well as a physical, achievement.  The birth of a child is the ultimate perfection of human love
( Grantly Dick-Read )

Birth goes best if it is not intruded upon by strange people and strange events. 
It goes best when a woman feels safe enough and free enough to abandon herself to the process
( Penny Armstrong and Sheryl Feldman, A Midwife's Story )

To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and distressingly inhabited. 
Soul and spirit are stretched - along with body - making pregnancy a time of transition, growth, and profound beginnings
( Anne Christian Buchanan and Debra K. Kingsporn, The Quickening Heart: A Journal for Expectant Mothers )

We have a secret in our culture, it's not that birth is painful, it's that women are strong
( Laura Stavoe Harm )

To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and undoubtedly inhabited.
( Anne Buchanan & Debra Klingsporn )

Birth is a mystery.
 Words are not enough
( Marie O'Connor )

The experience profoundly changed my perspective.
  In the hospital, I hadn't perceived the anxiety and foreboding that permeated birth until I experienced the impact of its absence among the midwives. 
The peace, wonder, and intimacy were infinitely greater.
 What a compelling difference! 
( Heidi Rinehart )

I fell in love with you when you were forming in my womb.
Now I carry you in my heart instead of my arms.
( Anonymous )

Dear Lord, I would have loved to have held my babies on my lap and tell them about you, but since I didn't get the chance, would you please hold them on your lap and tell them about me?
( Anonymous )

Before you were born I carried you under my heart.
From the moment you arrived in this world until the moment I leave it, I will always carry you in my heart
( Crescent Dragonwagon )

I begin to love this creature, and to anticipate her birth as a fresh twist to a knot, which I do not wish to untie
( Nikki Dalton )

If pregnancy were a book they would cut the last two chapters
( Melissa Hatcher )

Love and pregnancy and riding on a camel cannot be hid
( Dave Barry )

Everything about woman is a riddle, and everything about woman has a single solution: that is, pregnancy
( Erma Bombeck )

Pregnancy seemed like a tremendous abdication of control.
 Something is growing inside you which would eventually usurp your life.
( Joan Raphael-Leff )

In the pregnancy process I have come to realize how much of the burden is on the female partner. She's got a construction zone going on in her belly
( Charisma Carpenter )

Being a mother means that your heart is no longer yours; it wanders wherever your children do
( George Bernard Shaw )

The news of my pregnancy spread like a forest fire in summer
( John Sculley )

I think your body is just a little bit stronger after pregnancy.
( Sally Lee )

Telegram to a friend who had just become a mother after a prolonged pregnancy:
“Good work, Mary. We all knew you had it in you”
( Lady Frieda Harris )

Birth is the epicenter of women's power
( Ani DiFranco )

Life is a flame that is always burning itself out, but it catches fire again every time a child is born.
( George Bernard Shaw )


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