Quotes of The Month ( The Strength of April )

Started by April 2012, Princess Kaurvaki will continuously present Quotes of The Month, the collection from the expert, author, and people, will be published in the beginning of each month. Quotes of The Month has various content, such as love, strength, motivation, inspiration, hate, silly thing, teenage, parent, God, etc. So, guys, sit down, relax & open your mind for new thing, Princess Kaurvaki will entertain you!!

I was smiling yesterday, I’m smiling today and I will smile tomorrow.
Simply, life is too short to cry for anything
( Anonymous )

 “When you judge someone, you don’t define them… you define yourself”
( Dr. Wayne W Dyer )

“We have two eyes and two ears, but one mouth only.
It’s means that we should observe and listen more, but speak less”
( Anonymous )

Take off all your envies, jealousies, unwillingness to forgive, selfishness, and fears and you will find,
 things are actually not as difficult as you think
( Anonymous )

“I never exaggerate, I just remember big”
( Chi Chi Rodriguez )

Do one thing you think you cannot do.
Fall at it, then try again, do better the second time!!
( Oprah Winfrey )
motivation quotes, quotes of the day

To be beautiful means to be yourself.
You don’t need to be accepted by others,
You need to be accept your self
( Thich Nhat Hanh )

People spend too much time criticize others, like they don’t have time criticize themselves
( Anonymous )

Try to expect nothing but be open for anything.
Don’t look for happiness, but don’t settle for anything less
( Anonymous )

Don’t confuse between love and friendship.
Friendship is much more pure relation, so love your friends,
 but don’t expect them to be your lover
( Anonymous via Facebook Thread – Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu )

No one can change a person, but someone can be a person’s reason to change
( Spongebob Squarepants )

Remaining numb and depressed won’t undo the present despair.
So smileeeeeeee….!!
( Anonymous via Facebook Thread – Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu )

Don’t feel like a loser if you are good for nothing. Just enjoy your averageness in every sector of life cause you are a Perfect Average
( Anonymous via Facebook Thread – Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu )

It’s funny how when I’m loud, people tell me to be quiet,
but when Im quiet, people ask me whats wrong with me.
( Anonymous )

I will prepare and some day my chance will come.
( Anonymous )

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.
( Anonymous )


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