Franko B was awarded an honorary Masters degree during the press conference for his solo show, I STILL LOVE at PAC Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea, Milan (9th October - 28th November 2010) -

[English translation from daringtodo.com]:
During the press conference, the director of 'Accademia delle Belle Arti di Brera, Gastone Mariani, presented Franko B honorary diploma of the second level in Communication and Art Education, conferred, as shown in the reasons , "to the poetry of the sense of this so absolute in all his works. Franko B produce a new vision of art showing an unprecedented view of the world, and chaos is transformed into a strict performative presence, helping to destroy too optimistic to imagine a world order of appearance. Franko B is the metaphor for the place of beauty, and leaves traces of his blood on the white cloth used in the performance … Art, like choice and point of view, the art direction look like, the ability to make art as the invisible visible. Art as the design of new worlds. AFranko B, the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera recognizes the special uniqueness, typical of each author, made aware of. "


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