Move Back to Northern Virginia

So, I mentioned to Tommy today that JR & I are starting to consider returning to NoVA. Tommy is mostly my COR, but also my friend, whom I trust to both keep my plans private while it's prudent to do so, and to help me develop and present those plans in a most favorable manner. My current contract expires at the end of October. Now I need to figure out how, when, and exactly where. Job first, hopefully still Dell. This summer if possible? Or next. And probably either Fairfax or Loudon County, still needs further research.

Let me start w/the pipe dream: I'll take a modest pay cut to facilitate the job search, and to leverage a signing bonus or relocation reimbursement. I will find a RENTAL and be glad to be rid of the maintenance associated with home/yard ownership. It'll be a non-breed-discriminating, pet-friendly, garden style, ground level condo, with great amenities.


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