Goodbye Comfort Zone

I came home very anxious about sharing some very uncomfortable information with JR. I was worried mostly about the info itself, but almost as much about helping JR deal with it. To my absolute delight, he responded with only LOVE and SUPPORT - thank GOD, because if he'd put out even an OUNCE of bad vibe I might have lost it! He listened well, responded appropriately, gave me a hug, and started working on a plan - can't ask for better.

So... Short Version: I have been unable to get + remain sufficiently engaged at work since CDR Brougham left, for a variety of both personal and professional reasons. It was a slowly deteriorating situation, nothing sudden. About six weeks ago I was asked to basically get more fully engaged again or risk my contract not being renewed, which is not a very effective means of me getting more engaged, so of course it didn't work.

I am editing this in fits and spurts as time allows, so I'll leave this paragraph so you'll know it's a work in progress until I'm done.


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