Text for Family Wordle

I just discovered this word cloud generator at Wordle.net and I love it! I have a couple projects in mind, so these posts will simply capture the text I have in mind for my wordles. :)

Phoebe~Alexis~Fuller Christopher~James~Fuller Stephanie~Marie~Fuller James~Roy~Fuller Andre~Maurice~Brewer~Junior Dianne~Clair~Fuller Andre~Maurice~Brewer Shirley~Sidney~Hamill~Ensler James~Haring~Ensler Freda~Hamill Fred~Hamill Ellen~Hatch Jason~Hatch Jessica~Lee~Sterling~Hatch Hugh~Hamill Thelma~Hamill~Dalmas John~Dalmas Jennifer~Dalmas~Reychev Evgeni~Raychev Jonah~Raychev Roger~Lee~Fuller Minh~Thu~Fuller Lynne~Fuller Da~Lac~Pham Tony~Fuller Kiersten~Fuller Gage~Fuller Linda~Duke John~Duke Porsha~Duke Tylor~Duff Hylton~Duke Alice~Marie~Chafin~Fuller Luther~Alonzo~Fuller


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