Spring Break 2012 Day 2 Sunday

All my good intentions about staying up super late Saturday or getting up extra early on Sunday to finish my homework were ill-conceived in the first place, and therefore went unexecuted. So I awoke with the desire to spend more family time, slighly dampered by the nagging requirement to do homework. All of which became OBE when JR said he thought Phoebe might need stitches, so I played with Christopher while JR & Phoebe went to urgent care. After more than a two hour wait, however, the urgent care place sent them to the ER in case she needed stitches, because apparently they are unable to stitch faces.

So he brought her home for a quick bite to eat, and I took her to the ER, where she was seen after an incredulous five minute wait (we had been quoted 1½hrs), and her chin was butterfly-stitched (which could have been done at the urgent care place, probably much cheaper).

So we got a late start to NB's, enjoyed a "cooked in the yard" dinner, then enjoyed some family Jenga! AJ lasted but one round, then needed to be put to bed due to unsportsman-like conduct. Grandma & Grandpa & Uncle Dre & Phoebe enjoyed several more fun-filled rounds before NB sent us home so I could finish my homework.

I was completely unsatisfied with my paper, but I submitted it at midnight when it was due.

Note to self: do not schedule anything during the last week of school.


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