Literally like Her

An ordinary girl,
No glittery overall
The natural beauty at all

Simple dress afford her
Her brown hair is blow everywhere
Her eyes spread the sun light in every angle

She’s amazing, but feel the beneath low
She lives around the fake people
Who always afford their life with pearl and gold
If I were close to her, I’ll say this word softly to her ears
“you’re the most beautiful capture, don’t change, you are enough”

She play hide and seeks
Every move of her seems to be wonderful
She left the foot print, I try to pick it up
This curious bring me little and little move closer to her

I always adore the natural make up
That she is!
She’s more natural than definition of natural it self
If I had the chance, I would chase over her
I would beg if only I can be her lover
I would beg till I die
I would try my best to catch her attention
I would fall, run, away and jump just to get her phone number

Tonight I can see your foot step left the coffee shop
It’s a small path, I see it in a glance
Ups, she’s definitely not alone!
Someone beside her and hug her waist
A five years kid is walk together with them
Both hold the hands of kid

I’m afraid if she might…
Oh, No!
I even don’t try!!
He might just her admirer, brother or just friends!

I move with a bunch of flower behind my black skinny jacket
She is smile and stare out the guy
She accept my flower,
Nicely say thank you,
What a pretty face!!
I keep adore her..
Nice to meet you, she said her good bye
I feel like fly to the air
But they guy burn my dream at the sudden,
He said, “My wife is beautiful, isn’t her?”
I smile to him, looks like the most stupid guy ever
They left me, laugh out loud all the way
I love the sounds of her laugh

I stand for a while,
Laugh myself and feel like a fool,
It’s clear for me now
They are happy family at all
I just can wonder her in my mind
She’s the brightest diamond in the sea of mud
May be someday I have one like her
Literally like her!
I wish….


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