Quotes to Courage your Soul & Spirit

Fault can be repaired, failed deserve for another try,
but GIVE UP means OVER.
We may failed but don’t lose hope and give up!
( Unknown )

“I don’t want to be on any sexy list. It’s enough to be desired by one man.
I’d like to acknowledged as a good actor, but even if I don’t win any award, I’ve already got my reward.
I don’t have to prove anything to anyone
( Kareena Kapoor – Bollywood Star )

Courage is doing what you’re afraid to do.
There can be no courage unless you’re scared
( Eddie Rickenbacker )

“God never promise you if the sky would always the blue, the flowers would always blossom and the sun would always shining.
But you have to remember, He always gives you the rainbow in every storm, smile in every tears, mercy in every difficulty and answer in every pray”
( Unknown )

Work as if you don’t need money,
Dance as if nobody’s watching,
Love as if you’ll live forever.
Motivation takes place when people are happy
( Steve Fine )

“Our task is not being succeed,
Our task is ‘to try’ because inside of trying, we would find and learn how to build the chance to be succeed
( Unknown )

"Don’t give up, the beginning is always the hardest!"
( Unknown )


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