Quotes of Love

When I saw your face, I knew that I fall in love with you…and then you smile, because you know
( Romeo to Juliet )

“You’re the best thing to see, I’ll always adore you”
( Redva Kaurvaki )

"I never regret the amount of love I have given you.
 I can't even remember how much it is.
The only thing I know is that you are SPECIAL.
 No doubts!
No limits!
No reservations!
and definitely No End!"
( reference : Mike Explorer Blog )

"Hearts are easily torn, but can also be sewn together by someone who cares.
Though the scars won't fade, the stitches will always be there to remind you that someone loves you enough to keep you whole."
( reference : Mike Explorer Blog )

"People live, people die, people laugh, people cry.
Some give up, some will try, some say Hi! While some say Bye!
Others may forget you but never will I"
( reference : Mike Explorer Blog )


“Thank you for loving me,
For being my eyes when I couldn’t see..
For parting my lips when I couldn’t breath”
( Bon Jovi )

“Take me as your third love, after your love to God and your parent.
If someday I left away, you would never lost your biggest love…”
( Unknown )

“Many people despair, broken heart and even suicide and hurt themselves since afraid of losing of love,
However, love is not about asking or accept, but how to give.
If we’d ready to give, it means we’ must ready to lose it”
( Unknown )

"for me you’re an angel…."
( Redva Kaurvaki )

“I would never leave you behind…
This is the irony of life, just close your eyes and move ahead”
( Unknown )

“I love seeing old couples. It give me some faith that some love lasts forever”
( Girls Proverbs )


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